Service contract for fully automated underground parking facilities in the muncipality of Copenhagen


02 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse
Konkurrencepræget dialog
13-10-2022 13:02 (GMT+02:00)
14-11-2022 12:00 (GMT+01:00)


Københavns Kommune Københavns Kommune
Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen
Janni Frandsen Janni Frandsen
Borups Allé 177
2400 København NV

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

This tender concerns the procurement of 3 parking facilities in Copenhagen. The facilities have been in service for 12 years and needs replacement/updating of hardware and software (wear and tear).  The Contracting Authority has chosen to do the replacement and updating in connection with the tender of a general operating contract, which includes daily operation and maintenance as well as ongoing service of the facilities. Thus, the tendered contract covers both (i) replacement and update of existing hardware and software (Phase 1/implementation) and (ii) daily operation and maintenance as well as ongoing service of the facilities (Phase 2/Operation and maintenance). Phase 2/Operation and maintenance begins no later than 1.1.2025 and ends 31.12.2034 unless the Contracting Authority exercises its right to prolong the contract for 12 months.

Dette er prækvalifikationen til en 2 trins opgave, hvor du kan finde informationer og evt. filer på tilbudsfasen på dette link: Dialouge phase & final tender


Navn Størrelse
LEI APS description RevB.pdf 377 KB
NRA APS description RevB.pdf 351 KB
UND APS description RevB.pdf 354 KB
LEI Asset List.xlsx 2,92 MB
NRA Asset List.xlsx 2,93 MB
UND Asset List.xlsx 2,92 MB
LEI Condition Evaluation 2020.pdf 968 KB
NRA Condition Evaluation 2020.pdf 896 KB
UND Condition Evaluation 2020.pdf 840 KB
Descriptive Document Københavns Kommune Parkering facilities_ny.docx 255 KB

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