Supply of civil engineering works for the construction of a slab and its central concrete duct to host the harmonic filter on the French part of CERN at LHC5.


06-09-2022 18:28 (GMT+02:00)


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Kort beskrivelse

Pavadinimas Supply of civil engineering works for the construction of a slab and its central concrete duct to host the harmonic filter on the French part of CERN at LHC5.
Trumpas pirkimo aprašymas CERN intends to place a contract for the supply of civil engineering works for the construction of a slab and its central concrete duct to host the harmonic filter on the French part of CERN at LHC5, including earthworks and earthing system interface, steel-reinforced concrete duct and fiber-reinforced concrete slab, cover slabs, sleeves for cabling connection, fence barriers and access gate, drainage pipes, road and landscaping works.

Perkančioji organizacija CERN, 108967751

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