Renginio organizavimas - EHU 30-metis


31-08-2022 09:52 (GMT+02:00)
02-09-2022 14:00 (GMT+02:00)


Europos humanitarinis universitetas VšĮ Europos humanitarinis universitetas VšĮ
Oksana Vankova Oksana Vankova
Savičiaus g. 17
LT-01127 Vilnius

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Europos humanitarinis universitetas kviečia dalyvauti skelbiamoje apklausoje profesionales Renginių organizavimo kompanijas.

Paslaugos poreikis - organizuoti Europos humanitarinio universiteto oficialius renginius, skirtus EHU 30-mečio minėjimui. Renginiai numatyti š.m. spalio 06-07 dienomis.

Paslaugos aprašymas:

What we expect from the company:
1. Experience in holding such events (up to 100 guests);

2. The ability to communicate in Russian and English (due to the geography of the participants);

3. Assistance in preparation, logistics and organisation of the conference at Valdovų Rūmai (up to 100 guests):
- assistance in preparing the scenario and timing of the event;
- collecting the final guest list (communication and receiving confirmations);
- transfer for the guests: airport -hotel-airport;
- catering during the conference: 2 coffee breaks, 2 lunches (up to 100 guests);
- providing technical support: sound, light; simultaneous interpreter (1 day, 11:00 - 18:00) ;
- multimedia broadcasting;
- ensuring the work of the entertainer (presenter): represents the moderators of the panels, helps to navigate the timing of the event;
- ensuring the photographer's work (photo-report) 2 days;
- ensuring the work of the videographer (the result of the work: a short video about the conference up to 5 minutes + video-comments from VIPs);
- ensuring the work of hostesses: to meet guests, help with badges, help with navigating;
- printing and placement of printed products (designs are prepared by the Client): badges, guest lists, navigation, nameplate for speakers, seats nameplates, booklets.

4. Assistance in preparation, logistics and organization of Gala dinner at Taurakalnis (preferably) - (place - Valdovų Rūmai) (banquet for up to 80 guests):
- assistance in preparing the scenario and timing of the event;
- collecting the final guest list (communication and receiving confirmations);
- providing technical support: sound (+live music?), light; multimedia broadcasting;
- ensuring the work of the entertainer (presenter): helps to navigate the timing of the event,
invites to the table, gives the floor to the Rector, video broadcast;
- ensuring the work of hostesses: they meet guests + help with seating;
- printing and placement of printed products (layouts are prepared by the Client): seating chart,
table numbers.

* Conference hall and Restaurant for Gala dinner have been already booked.

What are we waiting for in the offer:
We expect to receive an offer including:
- materials illustrating relevant experience;
- your vision of the timing of the event preparation;
- a price offer that includes preferably a detailed estimate of the cost of services and the cost of the services-contractors (photographer, presenter, etc.). Final price please - with VAT.

Maloniai prašome pateikti laisvos formos pasiūlymą iki š.m. Rugsėjo 02 d. 15:00 el.paštu, tel +370 65630715
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