Supply of civil engineering works for the construction of electrical substation B392, duct to connect B203 and concrete slab to host electrical transformers on the Swiss part of the CERN Meyrin site.


26-07-2022 07:21 (GMT+02:00)
01-10-2022 22:59 (GMT+02:00)


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Kort beskrivelse

Pavadinimas Supply of civil engineering works for the construction of electrical substation B392, duct to connect B203 and concrete slab to host electrical transformers on the Swiss part of the CERN Meyrin site.
Trumpas pirkimo aprašymas Supply of civil engineering works for the construction of electrical substation B392, duct to connect B203 and concrete slab to host electrical transformers on the Swiss part of the CERN Meyrin site. (01010300, 01020100, 01020200)
CERN intends to place a contract for the supply of civil engineering works for the construction of electrical substation 392, the duct to connect the existing B203 and one concrete slab to host electrical transformers on the Swiss part of the CERN Meyrin site, including foundations, slab, structural works (concrete, steel , masonry) and outfitting works.

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas 2022-10-01 23:59

Perkančioji organizacija CERN, 108967751

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