Pakkeanlegg for endoser til Sykehusapotekene i Midt-Norge HF


17-07-2022 13:06 (GMT+02:00)
29-08-2022 12:00 (GMT+02:00)
19-08-2022 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Deborah Suarez Deborah Suarez
Postboks 40
Tollbugata 7

9811 VADSØ

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Anskaffelsens formål er å anskaffe pakkeanlegg som skal kunne pakke om bulk legemidler/ nakne tabletter til endoser.


Navn Størrelse
V SSA-V Maintenance Agreement.pdf 931 KB
V Appendix 9 Changes subsequent to the conclusion of the Agreement.docx 49 KB
V Appendix 8 Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 49 KB
V Appendix 7a - Price sheet.xlsx 86 KB
V Appendix 7 Total price and pricing provisions.docx 53 KB
V Appendix 6 Administrative provisions.pdf 907 KB
V Appendix 3 Software and or equipment to be maintained.pdf 687 KB
V Appendix 2 - Contractor solution specification.docx 43 KB
V Appendix 10 Third party's terms and conditions for the maintenance of the third party's software.docx 48 KB
V Appendix 1 Customer requirements specification.pdf 833 KB
K SSA-K Contract.pdf 1009 KB
K Appendix 9 - Changes subsequent to the conclusion of the Agreement.docx 46 KB
K Appendix 8 - Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 46 KB
K Appendix 7a - Price sheet.xlsx 39 KB
K Appendix 7 - Total price and pricing provisions.docx 48 KB
K Appendix 6 - Administrative provisions.pdf 332 KB
K Appendix 5 - Approval test.pdf 798 KB
K Appendix 4 - Delivery date and other deadlines Bulk.pdf 205 KB
K Appendix 3a - Customer ICT Technical Platform Region Central.pdf 1,50 MB
K Appendix 3 - Customer technical platform Region Central.pdf 1,40 MB
K Appendix 10 - Licence terms and conditions for standard software and free software.docx 46 KB
K Appendix 1 - Customer requirements specification.pdf 938 KB
V Appendix 5 SL with standardised price reduction.pdf 192 KB
K Appendix 1a ICT requirements Region Central.docx 86 KB
K Appendix 2 - Contractor description of the deliverables.docx 105 KB

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