Tender for a Framework Agreement on the delivery of Enterprise Service Management related services


02 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse
Udbud med forhandling
17-01-2022 09:29 (GMT+01:00)
14-02-2022 12:00


Danmarks Nationalbank Danmarks Nationalbank
DN - Jeanett Brurås
Langelinie Allé 47
2100 København Ø

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Kort beskrivelse

Danmarks Nationalbank (the contracting authority) is the central bank of Denmark, which is an independent selfgoverning institution established by law. Danmarks Nationalbank's purpose is to ensure stable prices, safe payments and a stable financial system. This contract notice intends to establish a Services Framework Agreement with a Service Provider on the delivery of Enterprise Service Management related Services. The existing Enterprise Service Management is based on ServiceNow (“DN ServiceNow”), and it went live in production June 2018. Users on the platform are comprised of personnel from the Danmarks Nationalbank as well as personnel from external service providers contracted to handle services on an array of platforms. The Customer currently has four instances: DEV, TEST, PREPROD and PROD and also intends to keep these going forward.

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