Energinet_General and Product Liability_Insurance Tender_VEAT


15 - Bekendtgørelse med henblik på frivillig forudgående gennemsigtighed
Udbud med forhandling uden forudgående offentliggørelse
12-12-2021 15:01 (GMT+01:00)


Willis Towers Watson Willis Towers Watson
Geena Cen Geena Cen
Rundforbivej 303
2850 Nærum

Kort beskrivelse

Placement for General and Product Liability for Energinet with inception 1 January 2022 involving the following lots:

Lot 1: Excess I,
Lot 2: Excess II,
Lot 3: Excess III,
Lot 4: Excess IV,
Lot 5: Excess V

Due to lack of full capacity during public procurement procedures for applicable lots, procedure according to article 50 a of the utilities directive, was initiated.

Mercell A/S

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