DPS — HR and Organisation Development


05 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse – forsyningsvirksomhed
Begrænset udbud
05-03-2021 10:10 (GMT+01:00)
01-04-2027 23:59


Entur AS Entur AS
Lars Haatveit Jenssen
Rådhusgata 5
Rådhusgata5 Oslo

Kort beskrivelse

There is a need for capacity and competence for the development of Entur as an organisation in accordance with our social mission and strategy. The organisation needs consultancy and other services related to HR and organisational development. This includes strategy and organisational development, professional and strategic consultancy related to HR, management and employee development as well as recruitment. There is also an expectation to increase the value of HR's toolbox and competence to deliver manager and organisation development.

Mercell A/S

En del af Mercell, en af Europas ledende aktører inden for formidling af information mellem indkøber og leverandør på det professionelle marked. CVR nr. 25698851


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+45 63 13 37 00
Mercell A/S | B!NGS
Vesterbrogade 149
, 1620 København V, Danmark