Hire of Dark Fibre


03 - Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter
Offentligt udbud
15-01-2021 11:32 (GMT+01:00)


Utenriksdepartementet Utenriksdepartementet
Camilla Sivesind Tokvam
Boks 8114 Dep.
0032 Oslo


A framework agreement with a 4-year duration from the signing date will be entered into for the hire of dark fibre. Possibly until moving to the new government district. The supplier has obligation to deliver whole or fully-welded fibre up to a 10 km radius as the crow flies from UD (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Dark fibre can be used by UD in Oslo and surrounding areas, internally between buildings and to collaborating partners. Dark fibre is an important part of UD's combined data communications need and is business-critical.

Mercell A/S

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