Framework Agreement for Temporary Staff Services, Health and Care Personnel 2019-2023


21 - Sociale og andre specifikke tjenesteydelser – offentlige kontrakter
23-11-2020 09:38 (GMT+01:00)


Alta kommune Alta kommune
Tina Hoaas Tina Hoaas
Postboks 1403
9506 Alta


Alta kommune (Alta municipality) is located i Vest-Finnmark (West Finnmark) and has a population of approx. 20 000. The framework agreement will include delivery of health and care personnel temporary staff services for the health and social services field in Alta kommune (Alta municipality). Alta municipality wants to enter into framework agreements with up to three service providers. The contracted parties are not guarantees assignments during the framework agreement period as it is up to the individual entity which of the contracted parties they wish to utilise.

Mercell A/S

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