Market Survey/invitation to a Dialogue in Connection with the Provision of Services Related to Pims 360


01 - Forhåndsmeddelelse
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02-06-2020 09:54 (GMT+02:00)


Sykehusbygg HF Sykehusbygg HF
Lillian Slåtsve Lillian Slåtsve
Postboks 6245 Sluppen
7488 Trondheim

Kort beskrivelse

Hospital Build HF has previously published a tender contest for competition for the procurement of project management tools and signed a framework agreement with, among others, the supplier Omega for the delivery of the Pims 365 software. Hospital Build HF now wants to implement a market survey with the intention of receiving information related to the supplier market for the provision of services such as development, configuration, project customisation, project support and support of Pims 365. We therefore want to establish contact with relevant suppliers for dialogue meetings. See the annex. This is a market survey, and we want to receive knowledge of the supplier market for services related to the Pims 360 software tool.

Mercell A/S

En del af Mercell, en af Europas ledende aktører inden for formidling af information mellem indkøber og leverandør på det professionelle marked. CVR nr. 25698851


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