New Furniture, Framework Agreement


02 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse
Offentligt udbud
19-03-2020 10:03 (GMT+01:00)
26-03-2020 12:00


Øvre Eiker kommune Øvre Eiker kommune
Therese Nguyen
Stasjonsgata 24
3300 Hokksund

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The competition concerns the purchase of new furniture for the following participants (collaborating purchasing parties) named in point 1.1.1. The deliveries are divided into the following product areas: Office furniture and conference furniture, including canteen furniture (anticipated annual volume of NOK 14 million excluding VAT per year). Nursery school furniture (anticipated annual volume NOK 3 million excluding VAT per year. School furniture (anticipated annual volume of NOK 7 million excluding VAT per year. Institution furniture — exempt from the contract are institution beds, mattresses and bedside table (Anticipated annual volume NOK 3.4 million excluding VAT per year). Home furniture — used furniture for furnishing and use of residences (anticipated annual volume of NOK 4 million excluding VAT per year. Library furniture: (anticipated annual volume for NOK 900 0000 excluding VAT per year.

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