Track Geometry Measurement System (TGMS). RFI – Market Dialogue


04 - Vejledende periodisk bekendtgørelse – forsyningsvirksomhed
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30-10-2019 09:34 (GMT+01:00)


Banedanmark Banedanmark
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
1577 København V

Kort beskrivelse

Banedanmark intends to procure a track geometry measurement system (TGMS), which can be mounted on a track utility vehicle. Ideally, the TGMS can be purchased as a simple off the shelf, plug and play hardware device, with no requirements for on-site or remote access by specially trained personal outside of Banedanmark. The hardware must conform to the EN13848-1 and EN13848-2 standard. The purpose of this market dialog is first and foremost to gain an overview of the technical solutions on the market compatible with Banedanmark’s demands. Furthermore, and just as important Banedanmark wishes to receive the market’s point of view for an optimal technical specification, tender strategy etc. For the full package of 1) Info-document; and 2) Q&A-document + appendixes. Please see, Banedanmark's EU-Supply page:

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