Framework Agreement Concerning BMR-stations


05 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse – forsyningsvirksomhed
Udbud med forhandling
12-04-2019 09:49 (GMT+02:00)
24-04-2019 14:00


Dansk Gas Distribution Holding A/S Dansk Gas Distribution Holding A/S
Kirsten Ebstrup Kirsten Ebstrup
Tonne Kjærsvej 65
7000 Fredericia

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Framework Agreement concerns purchase of BMR-stations (Biogas Measuring and Regulating Stations). The stations are to be used for the injection of biogas into the 4 barg natural gas net or the 7 barg natural gas grid. The Framework Agreement contains 3 types of BMR-stations with flow rates of 1 500, 4 000 and 6 000 Nm

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