Framework Agreement, MAC


03 - Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter
Udbud med forhandling
29-03-2019 09:41 (GMT+01:00)


Universitetet i Bergen Universitetet i Bergen
Erik Vikanes-hansen Erik Vikanes-Hansen
PB 7800
5020 Bergen
874 789 542


The objective of the tender contest is to enter into a Framework Agreement for MACs and associated additional products. The Framework Agreement shall cover and support the Contracting Authority’s continuous requirements for procurements of MACs during the contract period. The contract shall also ensure that the Contracting Authority is delivered products with a long lifetime, of high quality and sensible choices in relation to the environment, costs and functional requirements. The contract shall also ensure the Contracting Authority a secure, predictable, credible and rapid error recovery/service as needed.

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