Tender conference — Service concession for operation of Haugesund Airport, Karmøy.


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2017-06-10 09:32 (GMT+02:00)


Avinor AS Avinor AS
Eigil Ulvin Olsen Eigil Ulvin Olsen
Postboks 150
2061 Gardermoen
985 198 292

Kort beskrivning

Avinor invites tenderers to a dialogue conference in connection with the Ministry of Transport and Communications' assignment with Avinor to perform the procurement process for the service concession contract for operation of Haugesund Airport, Karmøy. The service concession is discussed in Prop. 31 S(2016-2017) Changes in the 2016 National Budget under the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The main target group for the conference is potential tenderers of airport operations.

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