Broadband development for Finnøy municipality.


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2017-06-07 09:46 (GMT+02:00)
2017-08-18 12:00


Finnøy kommune Finnøy kommune
Thomas L. Pedersen
4160 Finnøy
938 633 029

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Finnøy municipality invites to a tender contest with negotiations for the establishment of high speed broadband for schools, businesses, residences and leisure homes for the following islands in Finnøy municipality: Finnøy, Fogn, Halsnøy, Ombo and Sjernarøy. The education, children and youth centres at Fogn (Fogn Education, Children and Youth centre) and Halsøy (department, Hagatoppen nursery) shall be covered by the new broadband solution. The project will be executed as a subsidy project, where the developers are challenged to engineering design, development and operation of broadband solution with services thereof. During the tender process a developer will be chosen, and the size of the required construction assignment in relation to the broadband project will be determined. Our objective is that all inhabitants, schools and business in Finnøy municipality have access to high speed broadband of satisfactory quality.

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