Hell — Værnes — R7 Hire of an engineering design manager and assistant construction manager for signal.


Förhandlat förfarande
2015-02-06 04:34 (GMT+01:00)
2015-02-24 14:00


Jernbaneverket Jernbaneverket
Elin Wist Elin Wist
Stortorvet 7
0155 Oslo
971 033 533

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The project wishes to hire an engineering design manager signal and assistant construction manager signal. It is requested that both functions can be carried out by the same person. However, this is not a requirement. The engineering design manager signal and the assistant construction manager signal is responsible for the general signal delivery, until and including the production stage. Some of the responsibilities and tasks are:

— Contribute to the signal deliveries in the project are delivered with appropriate quality, and in accordance with the project's superior mandate and frames in relation to progress, costs or quality.

— Ensure that the signal delivery is co-ordinated and quality assured against other subject deliveries included in the project.

— Contribute in taking the awarded sub-projects to the designated goals.

— Be the signal discipline's contact person in the project, both during the engineering design stage as well as the production stage.

— Ensure that necessary safety management and analyses are executed in accordance with RAMS.

— Ensure that the document plans are established and followed up.

— Manage or participate in preparation of plans/elucidations.

— Planning and registration of resources (competence and period) which is necessary for the implementation of the signal delivery and follow the registration further.

— Planning, ordering and following up requirements for signal resources from the Signal Services, possibly externally (including resources for conferring and approval, as well as validation activities).

— Plan for resources to internal project control, approval or validation shall identify the requirement in at least 6 months ahead, and shall be updated every month.

— Contribute to following-up contracts related to signal deliveries, including clarifications, progress and management of alterations and inconsistency.

— Provide assistance in connection with progress plans for constructions as well as plan for final control.

— Make sure that the signal delivery is designed and delivered in accordance with the Signal services' work processes and other statutory requirements.

The engineering design manager signal and the assistant construction manager signal shall report to the sub-project manager signal and electro. In addition to the above listed tasks, the project manager may impose.

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