Operational contract for avalanche warning installations, county road 37 Tinnsjøvegen and county road 362 Vaa.


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2023-03-14 09:29 (GMT+01:00)
2023-04-20 09:00


Vestfold og Telemark fylkeskommune Vestfold og Telemark fylkeskommune
Tina Benjaminsen
Torgata 18
3717 Skien

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Operational contract for two existing avalanche warning installations on county road 37 Tinnsjøvegen and county road 362 Lauvjuv respectively. The contract involves function responsibility for the central monitoring system, which must be delivered by the tenderer. The monitoring system is to be established between the existing geophones on the mountain sides. The avalanche monitoring system will see to alarms to the local PLS to close the road, notify the road traffic centre, and the tenderer's own website, where the builder must have access.

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