Evaluation of support to gender equality in Danish development cooperation


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
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2022-04-15 09:55 (GMT+02:00)


Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Susanne Wendt
Asiatisk Plads 2
1448 Copenhagen


Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK) has entered into a contract regarding evaluation of Gender Equality, Girls’ and Women’s rights in Danish Development Cooperation (2014-2021) with the purpose to learn from implementation of previous programs and projects in terms of addressing gender issues with a view to strengthening Denmark’s integration of gender equality, girls’ and women’s rights in Danish development cooperation. The evaluation has a forward-looking perspective providing strategic and operational guidance strengthening Denmark’s engagement in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals. And to inform the implementation of Denmark’s new development strategy, The World we Share (2021), focusing on democratic values and human rights, combatting climate change, preventing and fighting poverty and inequality, conflict and irregular migration and fragility, areas within which gender equality, girls’ and women’s rights are at the centre.

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