RFI Mobile Satellite Services


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2022-01-07 09:21 (GMT+01:00)


Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen
KAPS - Anders Engsig Christensen
Lautrupbjerg 1
2750 Ballerup

Kort beskrivning

The Danish Ministry of Defence, Acquisition and Logistics Organization (hereafter DALO) is preparing a framework agreement for the acquisition of Mobile Satellite Services, including purchase of terminals, accessories, subscriptions (voice and data) and spare parts and services in relation hereto, including help desk, repair and training. The value of the acquisition is expected to be approximately 25M over a four-year period. As part of the preparation, DALO would like to request information regarding the market from potential suppliers to be used for the preparation of the tender documents. Thus, the purpose of this RFI is to find out how DALO ensures receipt of the best possible offer, as well as how the best possible framework agreement can be arranged for DALO and DALO's future supplier. In order to continue operation and expand the use of Mobile Satellite Services, the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) intends to purchase terminals and Subscriptions to support personal communication needs for the Danish Defence and related organizations, as well as the Danish Security and Intelligence Service. The communication is call-based as well as data traffic. It is expected that the database communication will increase in the future, as the satellite operators plan to expand the communication and data capacity significantly within the contract period. The value of the acquisition is expected to be approximately 25M over a four-year period. As part of the description of the subject matter of the tendered framework agreement, DALO has prepared a draft requirements specification, which describes the desired product in more detail. DALO emphasizes that this document is a preliminary draft to be used in this RFI. DALO plans to tender the agreement in accordance with the Danish Act no. 1564/2015, as amended, on Public Procurement (in Danish: “Udbudsloven”.

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