Mercell Tender Archive

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Name Срок подачи предложения
Maintenance services military material including the establishment of increased capacity for use in readiness situations.
Framework agreement, audit and inspection services 2018-2022. 07.12.2017 12:00
ICT administration platform for the education sector.
Assessment measure for minority language speakers.
A framework agreement on project management for Statsbygg, Region Mid-Norway.
Framework agreement; Search-based recruitment services.
Waste processing and recycling Helse Bergen HF.
E0706 Vestfold electro 2018-2021. 12.01.2018 12:00
KnS-i Guard and security guard services. 20.12.2017 12:00
Procurement for Cantine services and catering. 07.12.2017 12:00
Transport, reception and final treatment of residual waste, Esval miljøpark. 11.12.2017 12:00
Consultancy services — temporary manager for the performance management department. 08.12.2017 12:00
Double decker passenger coaches and/or electric motor car sets. 08.12.2017 12:00
Prior information for a framework concerning respite care services for children and youth.
Prior Information Notice MALDI Biotyper smart system for Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge HF [the University Hospital of North Norway].
A tender notice for medicines; Førde, Naustdal, Jølster and Gaular. 15.12.2017 12:00
IN — 2017 Procurement of 4 CNC turning lathes and 4 CNC milling centres for TIP, with an option for the procurement of a further 2 turning lathes and milling centres. 24.11.2017 12:00
Prior Information Notice.
Purchase of components and mounting of electrical distribution boards.
Framework agreement for the hire of provisional buildings.
EØS 066-2017 Framework agreement, Indoor and outdoor toys (the third publication). 20.12.2017 12:00
Framework agreement on the Procurement of paper for high volume printers and large format printers. 14.12.2017 12:00
Framework agreement for chemicals and measuring equipment for operation of swimming pools. 08.12.2017 12:00
Procurement of car park ticket machines with the accompanying back system and service contract. 19.12.2017 12:00
Framework agreement for the purchase books for libraries. 15.12.2017 12:00
LIS 1806 TNF BIO. 11.12.2017 12:00
Oxygen-18 enriched water | St. Olav, Sykehusapotek Nord and UNN.
District 99 — City parking facility west. 06.12.2017 12:00
Iglemyr Swimming Pool — sub-contract for E07 Central Processing System. 15.12.2017 12:00

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