Consultancy Services, Planning, Building Applications and Properties


03 - Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter
Offentligt udbud
29-01-2019 09:38 (GMT+01:00)


Birkenes kommune Birkenes kommune
Marit Solfjeld
Postboks 115
4795 Birkeland
964 965 870


The competition is for a Framework Agreement with a total provider for the following areas: — consultancy services for the implementation of building applications management in accordance with the Planning and Building Act with a companying regulations, — consultancy services for the implementation of detailed zoning plans, area plans and assistance related to the municipal master plan. The contract may also include assistance in relation to individual disciplines such as architecture, landscape architecture, traffic, geoengineering, etc., — consultancy services in relation to property administration.

Mercell A/S

En del af Mercell, en af Europas ledende aktører inden for formidling af information mellem indkøber og leverandør på det professionelle marked. CVR nr. 25698851


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Mercell A/S | B!NGS
Vesterbrogade 149
, 1620 København V, Danmark