The Contracting Authority would like to get tenders for the hire of Multi-Function Printers (MFP) for connection in a network, as well as the accompanying services.
Sandnes municipality currently hires approx. 340 multi-function printers, divided between approx. 170 locations, with service contracts provided by Canon. There were approx. 57 000 000 photocopies/print-outs on these machines in the period 3.2014 — 10.2017. All the machines have approximately the same expiry date.
Randaberg municipality currently hires approx. 50 multi-function printers, divided between approx. 25 locations, with service contracts provided by Canon. There were approx. 8 000 000 photocopies/print-outs on these machines in the period 3.2014 — 10.2017. All the machines have approximately the same expiry date.