Services within research, analysis and consultancy


Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
1/19/2018 9:26 AM (GMT+01:00)


Bærum kommune Bærum kommune
Per-Christian Solli
Postboks 700
1304 Sandvika
935 478 715

Assignment text

Bærum kommune 935 478 715 Postboks 700 Sandvika 1304 Per-Christian Solli +47 91344189 Services within research, analysis and consultancy 18/1143 Bærum municipality intends to enter into a framework agreement with Gartner. Digitalisering og IT (DigIT) is the service provider for the different entities in Bærum municipality. In order to be a competent contributor in the municipality´s digital transformation, DIgIT depends on building and developing digital competence that follows market developments. The organization´s roles and structure must also be adapted as DigIT, in line with the digitalization of the municipality, gets new and changed assignments and some types of roles disappear and new arise with the digital changes. DigIT would like to join up with an independent collaboration partner within research, analysis and consultancy services in order to ensure strategic well-thought-out choices and design good systems. The tenderer shall provide consultancy services and quality assurance for our deliveries. 6000000.00 Sandvika. DigIT would like, in cooperation with the tenderer, to carry out: — capability analysis of the entire organization, — maturity analyses within several areas. The analyses shall be followed-up with different activities: — establish a baseline for how DigIT looks as regards equivalent entities, — uncover shortcomings in the entity, — make plans for covering up competence or capability gaps, — propose a new/changed organization with role descriptions, and, — propose different improvement initiatives. In order to ensure good and efficient execution of the above and for continued work on the development of the organisation and competence in the remainder of the 3 year period, DigIT needs a tenderer who can be an active sparring partner and who can contribute with access to analyses, methods, templates and tools within several disciplines, such as: — digitalization strategy, — sourcing strategy and outsourcing (services), — company architecture, — IT Security and risk management, — Business Intelligence, — portfolio management, — technology and systems, — supplier market, — branch development, — IT Governance, organization, and management models, and, — IT cost optimisation, efficiency improvement, and profit realization. It is a prerequisite that this is a total procurement in order to ensure consistent use of analyses, methodology and best practice and that the tenderer can advise DigIT in strategic choices when using the same material. Contract signing without a prior competition: — the procurement is outside the scope of the procurement regulations. Explanation: The exception for direct procurements is in the Public Procurement Regulations § 13-4 (b). The provision states that the contracting authority can hold a procurement without a negotiation if the procurement is for services that only a specific supplier can provide as 'competition is impossible due to technical reasons'. Technical reasons mean that there is only 1 tenderer who can carry out the service or produce the product. The contracting authority has no knowledge of another participant in the market who can provide equivalent services as Gartner Norge. A number of similar procurements have been announced in Doffin during 2016 and 2017. We cannot see that any of the other contracting authorities have succeeded in receiving tenders or procuring the service from anyone else than Gartner. It appears, therefore, that Garner is the only supplier. 2018-01-17 Gartner Norge AS 951456306 Karenslyst Allé 57 Oslo 0277 6000000.00 6000000.00 — the plan is to enter into a contract on 02.02.18. — the contract will be valid for 3 years. — the value is estimated to be NOK 5-6 million. Bærum kommune v/Digitalisering og IT Postboks 700 Sandvika 1304 2018-01-18

See tender at TED:

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