RH OSS Dep. for infection control, Extraction Instrument. New competition.


Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
1/18/2018 9:22 AM (GMT+01:00)


Oslo universitetssykehus HF Oslo universitetssykehus HF
Else Randi Bjone
Postboks 4950 Nydalen
0424 Oslo
993 467 049

Assignment text

Oslo universitetssykehus HF 993 467 049 Postboks 4950 Nydalen Oslo 0424 Else Randi Bjone +47 23072596 erbjon@ous-hf.no www.oslo-universitetssykehus.no RH OSS Dep. for infection control, Extraction Instrument. New competition. 74944 Extraction equipment shall be procured for the Department for Microbiology and the Department for Infection Protection. The extraction equipment shall be used for virological and bacteriological molecular analyses that detect DNA/RNA in various sample material from, amongst other things, intensive care patients and other seriously ill patients at OUS. 3942780.00 Oslo. The extraction equipment shall be used for virological and bacteriological molecular analyses which detect DNA/RNA in various sample materials from i.a. Intensive patients and other seriously ill patients at OUS. The instrument to be procured must be a system to automatically isolate nucleic acids from various types of sample materials. The eluate must then be able to be used for various molecular biological downstream applications, such as RT-PCR and sequencing. The sample volume for 2016 was 8000 analyses, the estimated number for 2017 is 9700 per annum. The procurement will be carried out via ex ante transparency notice. Reasons for the Voluntary ex ante transparency notice: — The instrument shall be CE/IVD-certified. — The instrument shall have a express program (with the shortest possible time) for quick extraction upon receipt of emergency help samples. The total time for the instrument’s start-up time, initiation phase and express program must be a maximum of 36 minutes. — There shall be one reagent kit and one protocol that extracts fungus DNA, bacterial DNA and viral DNA/RNA simultaneously. One reagent kit that is used for all of the protocols found in the system, and that is IVD approved. — Based on the continual lack of space, the instrument must have the smallest possible footprint, maximum measurements: 1,000 mm x 700 mm x 900 mm. — The system must be able to control the consumption of reagents and how many reagents are left. — The time from when the instrument is turned on until it is ready for the start of the protocol shall be less than ten minutes. This includes scanning of reagents that are in use, or are unused, as well as loading of consumables and resource checks (load check). This is based on Roche Norge AS, of technical reasons, is the only service provider who can deliver the MagNA Pure 24 System. The terms in PPR §13-4 (b) 2 and §13-1 (5) are considered to be met.. The procurement´s value includes the procurement of equipment specific consumables for as long as the instrument is in use, as well as the value of a full service contract for the instrument´s lifetime. Service contracts. The procurement also includes signing a framework agreement for the purchase of the equipment specific consumables. The procurement also includes signing a framework agreement for the purchase of the equipment specific consumables. Reasons for the Voluntary ex ante transparency notice: — The instrument shall be CE/IVD-certified. — The instrument shall have a express program (with the shortest possible time) for quick extraction upon receipt of emergency help samples. The total time for the instrument’s start-up time, initiation phase and express program must be a maximum of 36 minutes. — There shall be one reagent kit and one protocol that extracts fungus DNA, bacterial DNA and viral DNA/RNA simultaneously. One reagent kit that is used for all of the protocols found in the system, and that is IVD approved. — Based on the continual lack of space, the instrument must have the smallest possible footprint, maximum measurements: 1 000 mm x 700 mm x 900 mm. — The system must be able to control the consumption of reagents and how many reagents are left. — The time from when the instrument is turned on until it is ready for the start of the protocol shall be less than ten minutes. This includes scanning of reagents that are in use, or are unused, as well as loading of consumables and resource checks (load check). 2018-01-12 Roche Diagnostics Norge AS 935925525 Postboks 6610 Etterstad Oslo 0607 +47 22789000 toril_larsen.saether@roche.com www.roche.no 3942780.00 Oslo Universitetssykehus HF Sognsvannsveien 20 Oslo 0027 +47 23071580 mtu-anbud@ous-hf.no www.oslo-universitetssykehus.no 2018-01-16

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:024542-2018:TEXT:EN:HTML

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