U2540 Nordnes Education Centre — Partnering Contractor


Open procedure
1/23/2018 9:17 AM (GMT+01:00)
2/19/2018 2:00 PM


Bergen kommune, Etat for utbygging Bergen kommune, Etat for utbygging
Kaigaten 4
5016 Bergen
964 338 531

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Nordnes School was completed in 1903. The school facility comprises:

— A main building in 3 floors with partly basement, and a gymnastics building as an additional wing. The net area is 4,213 m2 plus 426 m2 gymnastics building,

— A nursery is located in the former janitor house.

The school shall be subject to renovation and the addition/the crew station situated in north east shall be demolished by a different contractor. These works will be completed when the partnering contract is initiated. A nursery for approx. 40 children shall be constructed on the site for the crew station, including rooms for school use, as well as a new lift that shall serve the school and the nursery.

The janitor house, previously used as a nursery school, shall be reconstructed to a school building. The outdoor works include upgrading and expanding the schoolyard parts of the park surrounding the building, shall be upgraded and a small football ground and outdoor areas for the nursery shall be established. The pavement in the Haugeveien shall be lengthened and adaptation shall be made for a waste suction storage system. See the tender documentation for further information.

Mercell Holding AS

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