Skatteetaten 974 761 076 Postboks 9200 Grønland Oslo 0134 Håvard Reknes +47 46928494 20180001 Operational Contract Mainframe 20180001 The Norwegian Tax Authority's mainframe milieu consists of 2 logical machines with a total output of approx. 200-300 MIPS. The service includes hardware, basic software, operation and monitoring. 30000000 Operation of the Norwegian Tax Authority´s mainframe, consisting of 2 LPAR with an output of 200-300 MIPS. The output of MIPS is expected to be significantly reduced up until it is phased out/reorganised by the Central Register Office (DSF) by the end of 2019. After the re-organisation of DSF, there will be a very limited output of MIPS. It will be mainly old amendment cases that are expected to be run on the mainframe in the period 2020-2025. Functional and non-functional requirements 50 50 In Norway, only EVRY provides mainframe services. The service is required to be provided from Norway and the Norwegian Tax Authority cannot accept operation outside Norway. The regulation's § 13-4 states that the contracting authority can hold a procurement without a negotiation if b) the procurement is for services that only a specific supplier can provide as 2 competition is impossible due to technical reasons. No. 2 only applies when there are no reasonable alternatives and the lack of competition is not due to the contracting authority having adapted the procurement documents for a specific supplier. We therefore deem that the requirement in the Public Procurement Regulations §13-4 is fulfilled. See procurement protocol 20090085, which only received 2 tenders; EDB and ErgoGroup. EDB and ErgoGroup merged in autumn 2010. The company changed its name to EVRY in March 2012. 20180001 Operational Contract Mainframe 2017-12-22 EVRY Norge AS 933 012 867 Postboks 4 Fornebu 1330 30000000 30000000 50 EVRY´s operation of the mainframe has been outsourced to IBM services as a sub-supplier. Visma notice: Klagenemnda for offentlige anskaffelser Bergen 2018-01-04
See tender at TED: