Statsbygg has started preparing the procurement of various ultrasound units for the development of Campus Ås.
We would like to hold a demonstration day before the competition notice is published. The aim of the demonstration day is to prepare the market for the coming procurement as well as give Statsbygg more information on the units and systems that the market can offer.
Campus Ås is a joint location project for The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute. The gross area of the new building is 63100 m2, of which 48300 m2 is reserved for NMBU and the remaining areas are reserved the Norwegian Veterinary Institute. The building shall be situated in Ås municipality and is to be completed during summer 2020. The imminent procurement is for.
The demonstration day will be held on 25.1.18 at the Veterinary Institute, Adamstuen in Oslo. A more exact time and place will be given after the registration deadline expires.
The registration deadline for the demonstration day is 11.1.18 at 12.00.
See the tender documentation for further details.