Nordland county would like to enter into a two year framework agreement with a supplier of office supplies. The contract can be extended for 1+1 years.
The competition will be held as a pure price competition. The aim is to achieve a fixed discount. Call-offs shall eventually go through the contracting authority's ordering system (catalogue based). In order to get comparable figures, the attached spreadsheet shall be filled in with recommended prices and product group discounts. Note that this discount shall apply for all the products that come under the product group in the tenderer's official price list for company customers without a contractual relationship.
The tenderer's recommended price list for company customers without a contractual relationship must be enclosed and it shall apply for all of the assortment that includes office supplies. The recommended prices shall apply when the tender deadline expires.
The competition is divided into 7 lots in accordance with the regions: Ofoten, Lofoten, Vesterålen, Salten, Rana, Vefsn and Ytre-Helgeland.