Procurement of rock inspection drilling with a rock drilling rig for The Norwegian Public Roads Administration Eastern Region.


Open procedure
9/8/2017 9:20 AM (GMT+02:00)
10/9/2017 12:00 PM


Statens vegvesen Statens vegvesen
Ingeborg Haugli
Postboks 8142 Dep
0033 Oslo
971 032 081

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration Eastern Region (the Contracting Authority) would like tenders for rock inspection drilling services with a rock drilling rig. The objective of the rock inspection drilling is to map ground conditions. The framework agreement will be for rock inspection drilling, where the Tenderer must be able to drill a minimum of 12 metres in uncompacted matter with a rock drilling rig. A rock drilling rig is a rig or excavator with a rock drilling aggregate that is used for finding the depth of rock.

The Contracting Authority would like to enter into a framework agreement for the use of a rock drilling rig in the Eastern Region, i.e. in Oppland, Hedmark, Oslo, Akershus and Østfold Counties. The need for rock inspection drilling in recent years has mostly been in Oppland and Hedmark Counties and the need for the coming period is also expected to be mainly in these counties.

The Contracting Authority would like to enter into a framework agreement with 2 Tenderers. The framework agreement will be for 1 year calculated from the date when both parties have signed the contract with an option for a 1+1+1 year extension.

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