Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet 986 128 433 Postboks 2233 Tønsberg 3103 Stefan Popovici Biological children in foster homes. 2017/52626 The Directorate of Children, Youths and Family (Bufdir) would like a study of how biological children experience being a foster sister/brother. The assignment consists of 3 parts. In the first part of the assignment, Bufdir would like a knowledge-based comparison of relevant sources from Nordic and North European countries, as well as New Zealand and Australia. In the second part, we would like knowledge on what challenges biological children experience and what is important for preparing and supporting them in foster home assignments. In the third part, the tenderer shall propose models for taking care of children's involvement before parents decide to be a foster home, during the foster home period and after the foster child has moved out. 2353937.00 The Directorate of Children, Youths and Family (Bufdir) would like a study of how biological children experience being a foster sister/brother. The assignment consists of 3 parts. In the first part of the assignment, Bufdir would like a knowledge-based comparison of relevant sources from Nordic and North European countries, as well as New Zealand and Australia. In the second part, we would like knowledge on what challenges biological children experience and what is important for preparing and supporting them in foster home assignments. In the third part, the tenderer shall propose models for taking care of children's involvement before parents decide to be a foster home, during the foster home period and after the foster child has moved out. The overall aim of the project is to obtain new knowledge that can contribute to the prevention of unintentional breaches of foster home placements when these are due to parents' considerations to their own children. The intention in the project is to use qualitative approaches that shall thoroughly examine the challenges that biological children have as foster siblings and what is important to prepare and take care of them. The methods will follow the requirements for research design and will be used systematically. The project consists of several parts, of the which the empirical parts, in which new knowledge will be obtained, will make up the largest part of the project. The project is, thus, seen as R&D, cf. the definition in the Frascati Manual, OECD. In addition, the project fulfils the requirements for applied research and the benefits are not only for the contracting authority. Thus the requirements in paragraphs 2-5 in the Public Procurement Regulations are deemed to be met. 2017-07-03 Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring Oslo 2353937.00 Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet Oslo 2017-08-09
See tender at TED: