Direktoratet for økonomistyring 986 252 932 Postboks 7154 Oslo 0130 Jostein Rolandsen +47 93268170 jostein.rolandsen@dfo.no http://www.dfo.no SAP HANA. 17/112233 At the current time, other In Memory databases have no (DB2 BLU) or time limited (Oracle 12c) support from SAP. The next generation Business Suite, which DFØ expects to upgrade to eventually, is, and will in the future, only be compatible with SAP's HANA database. DFØ is therefore of the opinion that the only alternative that sees to our needs is to procure a SAP HANA database (In Memory). SAP, who is the proprietor, is the only supplier of this system. We believe, therefore, that it is not possible to establish a competition for the delivery of a product that meets our upgrade needs. 40000000.00 Oslo / Stavanger. DFØ's payroll system is built on the current Business Suite from SAP, which has ‘End of Support’ 31.12.2025. The next generation Business Suite is called S/4HANA and it was launched for finance and logistics a couple of years ago. There has been some uncertainty around SAP's strategy in the HCM area as regards whether this will be available in a cloud or also in S/4 ‘on premise’. ‘SAP S/4HANA 1610 — Feature Scope Description’ states that most of the functionality that is relevant for DFØ will be available in S/4. SAP expects that hybrid systems will be the most relevant in the future for customers such as DFØ (and other government customers in, for example, Europe). The HANA platform will be a kind of ‘foundation wall’ where all data is stored and the services will be provided from a mixture of ‘on premise’ and cloud systems (depending on the security requirements etc.). The final contract is subject to a successful proof of concept and decision in DFØ's management group. DFØ believes the procurement comes under the Public Procurement Regulations § 13-4 b no. 3. DFØ's operations manager for the payroll system considers (in consultation with the external operations providers EVRY) that there is not a lot to gain by ‘tuning’ (adjusting the type/number of servers, CPU etc.) the database any more. If major entities such as NAV and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration become customers, there would be a real uncertainty as to whether the system would be able to ‘go round’. At the current time, we see the SAP HANA database as the only real alternative for meeting our existing challenges. As mentioned above, SAP is clear that the next generation of Business Suite S/4HANA will only be available for the HANA database. DFØ has no plans to change its system provider for the application for payroll. Our opinion is that a direct procurement of the SAP HANA database is allowed in this provision. We have a need to migrate the current system to an In Memory database in order to meet existing and future operational challenges. At the current time, other In Memory databases have no (DB2 BLU) or time limited (Oracle 12c) support from SAP. The next generation Business Suite, which DFØ expects to upgrade to eventually, is, and will in the future, only be compatible with SAP's HANA database. SAP HANA 2017-02-24 SAP Norge AS 980500101 Lysaker 1324 40000000.00 DFØ Stavanger 2017-02-27
See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:077926-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML