Sola municipality has 3 nursing homes/institutions with a total of 147 places. Sola nursing home is in the centre of Sola and has 70 places divided between 7 departments. In addition Sola nursing home has a day centre that has 20-25 users Monday - Friday. Soltun old people's home is also in the centre of Sola and has 42 places divided between 3 departments. Tananger residential and welfare centre is approx. 9 km north of the centre of Sola. Tananger residential and welfare centre has 35 places divided between 5 departments. In addition there are 12 sheltered accommodation flats and 8 places in a day centre for persons with dementia. Sola municipality would like its inhabitants to live at home. Receiving dinners is an important part of achieving this. An average of 35 portions are currently delivered daily to persons living at home, distributed over the entire municipality.