Co-procurement contract for electric bicycles and accessories.


Not applicable
12/21/2016 9:30 AM (GMT+01:00)


Oslo kommune c/o Utviklings- og kompetanseetaten [City of Oslo, c/o the Agency for Improvement and Development] Oslo kommune c/o Utviklings- og kompetanseetaten [City of Oslo, c/o the Agency for Improvement and Development]
Ebbe Abildgaard Sørensen
PB 6538 Etterstad
0606 Oslo
971 183 675

Short description

The Agency for Improvement and Development is a service and service providing department that sees to general group management, operation and development assignments for Oslo municipality, including public procurements and co-procurements.

One of the department's current focus areas is electric bicycles, which are a part of the city council's climate targets. The city's CO2 and dust in suspension emissions shall be reduced and the city shall be more attractive, efficient and available for everyone.

Oslo has already carried out several bicycle campaigns, but there must be more and the municipality would like employees to show the way in the establishment of Oslo as a bicycle city for everyone.

The municipality has two primary main areas where the transport need can be met by electric bicycles: 1) Home care service/city district transport 2) communication between the districts/meeting transport.

The key words for electric bicycles in these areas are high quality, good performance ability, low maintenance and easy access to service. In addition, the municipality would like that the municipality's electric bicycles have special municipal colours. The municipality can then put its colours on its bicycle campaign.

See the annexes Requirement Specifications and Tender List for further information on the electric bicycles.

Mercell Holding AS

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