Foot and cycle path along Hvamsmovegen, Nes municipality.


Open procedure
12/15/2016 9:46 AM (GMT+01:00)
2/3/2017 12:00 PM


Øvre Romerike Innkjøpssamarbeid — ØRIK [Øvre Romerike Procurement Co-operation] Øvre Romerike Innkjøpssamarbeid — ØRIK [Øvre Romerike Procurement Co-operation]
Lars Vegard Kjærstad
Ullensaker kommune, Fakturamottak, Postboks 487
2051 Jessheim
933 649 768

Closing date has passed.

Short description

This orientation gives an overview of the project. See the drawings and the description for a full overview.


A foot and cycle path is planned along Hvamsmovegen (county road 477) in Nes municipality, Akershus county. The foot and cycle path will run from Neskollen residential area in the north to Tomteråsveien in the south, approx. 3 030 m. The foot and cycle path is planned along the western side of Hvamsmovegen, with a 3 metre wide separation from the traffic, which currently has a speed limit that varies from 40 km/h to 80 km/h on the stretch in question.

The foot and cycle path passes several exits and accesses for agriculture, which shall be maintained. There will also be a need for adaptations to the existing ditches and stream in order to ensure that surface water is adequately dealt with.

A free-standing foot and cycle path is also planned from Hvamsmovegen eastwards up to the northern part of Tomteråsen residential area, approx. 820 m. Hvamsmovegen is planned to be crossed as a facilitated crossing point. The speed limit at the crossing point is 80 km/h. A central reservation is planned for the road as a speed reducing measure. In order to make room for this, the road will be expanded to allow for adequate lane width.

The foot and cycle path is planned as a 3.0 m asphalted road with a 0.25 m gravel shoulder on each side.

Ground conditions.

Completed ground surveys show that the uncompacted matter on the stretch consists of peat and crust clay down to approx. 1-2.5 m below the terrain. Under this is soft, sensitive clay, 0.5-18 m thick. The planned route partly runs on rock near Tomteråsen residential area.

Solutions have been prepared in consultation with geotechnicians in the planning phase for the use of a geo-network in order to reduce the thickness of the superstructure at the same time as improving or keeping the strength of the superstructure. The foot and cycle path is located as high as possible in the uncompacted matter areas in order to keep the road-bed in the crust clay area and to avoid excavation by or in sensitive matter.


The stretch is planned with its own or shared lighting. The main street lights along Hvamsmovegen are on the road and the light will be sufficient for the foot and cycle path. Shorter masts that only light up the foot and cycle path will be used along the cross-connection.

The electricity supply for the lighting along Hvamsmovegen shall be obtained from network station N4029 and network station N4037 that is mounted on a mast, whilst the electricity supply for the lighting along the foot and cycle path towards Tomteråsen residential area will be obtained from the distribution cupboard at the pump station at Mila.

There are currently high voltage aerial cables by the free-standing foot and cycle path closest to Hvamsmovegen. The foot and cycle path follows these power lines for approx. 350 m before it crosses under them. The foot and cycle path crosses the power lines again by approx. profile 550.

There are aerial stretches/masts for low voltage electricity supply by Tomteråsveien in the south. These shall be kept.

Water and sewage.

The foot and cycle path along Hvamsmovegen is planned with a shallow ditch and closed drainage in the area between the road and the foot and cycle path and an open, deep ditch on the outside of the foot and cycle path by the agricultural areas. Sand traps that shall catch surface water shall be laid in the shallow ditch, as well as a combined drainage/surface water pipeline along the entire stretch, for draining the road surface and further handling of surface water. The surface water is to be led to places where is can run under Hvamsmovegen. There are several large and small culverts along the stretch that go through Hvamsmovegen, which shall be upgraded to tolerate a 200 year flood.

An open, deep ditch is planned for the stretch from Hvamsmovegen up to Tomteråsen, which will carry drainage water from the road and surface water.

The existing stream will have to be altered along short parts of the stretch on Hvamsmovegen, in order to make room for the foot and cycle path. New stream courses are to be sealed and plastered with coarse stones.

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