The municipalities are responsible for ensuring access to veterinary competence in their area, c.f. the Animal Health Personnel Act dated 15.6.2001.
This contract is for ordinary working hours between 8:00 — 16.00 on weekdays. A separate contract has been signed for veterinary surgeon duty not covered by this notice.
The aim of the procurement is:
1. to ensure access to veterinary services in the municipalities during the day (8:00-16:00), Monday — Friday;
2. to ensure farmers with production animals access to veterinary surgeons during the day;
3. to ensure emergency help for both production animals and small animals;
4. to ensure stand-by for serious infectious animal diseases and maintain good animal welfare;
5. to ensure participation in preventive animal health work in cooperation with the municipalities and other actors;
6. in total to ensure animal welfare and safe food.
A scheme has been established with 150 000 NOK of operational support per annum per veterinary surgeon. The contracting authority would like to enter into a contract with 4 veterinary surgeons. The operational support exists to compensate for a lack of income resulting from the reduced number of farmers in the region with livestock husbandry. This scheme replaces the previous scheme with municipal grants to veterinary surgeons in Austrheim, Lindås and Radøy and the previous contract for municipal operational support for veterinary surgeons in Meland.
We would like to sign 4 contracts in this competition. See the requirement specification for further details on the number of contracts that have been signed and the requirements for cooperation between the veterinary surgeons.