K201-Construction work.


Open procedure
1/11/2017 9:30 AM (GMT+01:00)
1/30/2017 12:00 PM


Bodø kommune Bodø kommune
Bodø kommunale eiendommer KF [Bodø municipal properties] Bodø kommunale eiendommer KF [Bodø municipal properties]
Bodø kommune, Utbyggings- og eiendomsavdelingen
Herredshuset, Postboks 319
8001 Bodø
972 418 013

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The new Bodø Town Hall is a project in down town Bodø. The building shall be constructed in the quarter bordered by Kongens gate, Torvgata, Dronnings gata and Havnegata. The current town hall, the Norges Bank building and the previous Bodø library are located/were located in the same block.

The New Bodø Town Hall will consist of a new building (New Building) as well as the existing town hall (Town Hall) and Norges Bank's building (the Bank).

The new building will connect all the buildings together to one unit. The Town Hall and the Bank shall be completely renovated.

The new town hall shall function as an office building for Bodø municipality's administration and, in addition, cover the necessary functions for political work, with offices and meeting rooms for political parties.

The existing town council room, municipal executive board room and a meeting room called ‘Blåsalen’ shall be kept in the original style as much as possible, but technically upgraded. The rooms are listed and compliance with these requirements is required.

The office area for Bodø municipality's administration is mostly open plan with many ‘small rooms’ for protected work and a relatively large number of meeting rooms.

The entrance on the ground floor is a large reception area for enquiries from the municipality's citizens, with rooms for meetings and guidance as required.

On the 5th floor there is a canteen and meeting room.

This description is for contract K201 Construction Work. Tenders shall be submitted for all construction work and constructive demolition work and deliveries connected to this, which are described and referred to in the tender documentation.

The descriptions are divided into separate documents on the work in question, depending on the type of work and deliveries that shall be carried out or delivered, but which are included in the same contract, K201. The documents are:

— K201.0 is joint rigging and operations;

— K201.1 is ground and concrete work and the supporting system;

— K201.2 — Construction work;

— K201.3 is fixed fixtures;

— K201.4 is facades and roofing work;

— K201.5 is outside work.

The existing buildings Town Hall and the Bank will have internal demolition and environmental clearance work carried out by another contract, K200.

Contract K201 shall carry out all the remaining demolition and environmental clearance work, which will mainly be the demolition of constructive building parts that shall be changed and some external demolition work. This work is described in K201.1.

Contract K201 shall deliver all the joint rigging and operational services. These are described in Book 0 and in drawings/sketches that show the planned rigging area.

Contract K201 shall carry out all the construction work for the new building and the existing building, as well as all the ground work.

Mercell Holding AS

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