The scope and purpose of the procurement.
The objective of the tender contest is to enter into a framework agreement for jet water flushing of pipes, excavation and a service agreement for waste wells. The estimated annual value of the framework agreement is 2 000 000 NOK excluding VAT. See part 2, the Description, for further information.
The estimated scope of the assignment.
The Contracting Authority intends to enter into an agreement with 1 provider. The framework agreement has an estimated total value of 2 000 000 NOK per year. The Contracting Authority emphasises that the figures are estimates and that the actual volume may vary from year to year. The estimated value is not binding for the contracting authority. One of the characteristics of a framework agreement is that the concrete assignments and the volume of assignments are not concretised when the framework agreement is signed. These premises are the actual core in the terms for framework agreements. Call-offs will take place as and when the contracting authority's needs materialise. This premise is known by both parties and it involves a risk that the amount of assignments will deviate from the above mentioned estimate — both positively and negatively. Tenderers must be aware that changes in the financial and/or political framework terms can lead to the estimated amount of assignments being increased/reduced.