Boligbygg Oslo KF needs framework agreements for engineering design services. The assignments will include all the necessary disciplines required to prepare a complete preliminary project with calculations, tender documentation for a turnkey and execution contract, detailed engineering design services, applications/basic material for all the relevant public authorities, as well as being a coordinator for safety, health and working environment questions in the engineering design phase, in accordance with the builder regulations. This will be for building and construction projects, such as wet room renovations, facade renovations, fire protection measures, re-roofing, new buildings, renovations, welfare+.
Tenderers must be able to offer all disciplines: engineering design group manager, coordinator for engineering design services, architect, interior architect, landscape architect, responsible applicant, consultant engineer for building techniques, HVAC and climate techniques, electro techniques, fire safety, geotechnics and engineering geology, water and sewage techniques, acoustics, antiquarian conditions, environment and consultant integrated technical building installations, BIM-coordinator, DAK-operator and secretary, either internally or with the use of sub-suppliers.