Tender 2016 — Management audits.


Open procedure
9/1/2016 9:32 AM (GMT+02:00)
10/17/2016 12:00 PM


Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune [Sogn og Fjordane County] Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune [Sogn og Fjordane County]
Katrine Wilson
Askedalen 2
6863 Leikanger

Closing date has passed.

Short description

A framework agreement shall be established with a tenderer to cover Sogn og Fjordane county's need for management audits in the coming two years. The contract will not include audits of the accounts and company inspections. There is a need for competence within many disciplines, with an emphasis on the following:

— Training

— Regional Development

— Transport

— Dental health

— Public administration

— Management law/public law

— EU/EEA law, in particular public procurements and public support

— Contract law/Contract

The list is not exhaustive. The management audits are required to be carried out within the county's activities in accordance with the current Local Government Act, with regulations pursuant in the Local Government Act, good municipal auditing practice and known, established standards in the area, such as RSK 001. Tenders must include all of the mentioned areas — tenders cannot submit a tender for only parts of the assignment.

The contracting authority will prioritise the areas that are relevant for auditing. The current plan for management audits is attached (see annex 7). A new plan for management audits shall be adopted by the county council autumn 2016. This plan will form the basis for the choice of the management audit project. The extent of the assignment shall be agreed in each case.

In addition there can be other hourly based reviews in accordance with orders placed by the contracting authority.

The contracting authority can ask the tenderer to prepare a general analysis as a basis for the plan for the management audits. The general analysis shall be prepared in relation to the current Local Government Act and it shall be an analysis of the county's activities based on a risk/difficulty assessment, with the intention of identifying the need for management audits in the different sectors. The hourly rate for this service shall follow the hourly rate that is otherwise in the tender.


Tenderers shall enclose proposals on courses and hold the courses for the contracting authority. Topics shall be agreed for each occasion. The extent shall be calculated as one course per annum. This shall be free of charge.

Reporting and communication.

All correspondence with the county shall be in Norwegian. The contracting authority uses New Norwegian. Reports to political bodies shall therefore be written in New Norwegian.


The auditor shall meet the control committee when the management audit project prepared by the auditor is being discussed. Tenderers must be able to participate in a video meeting if the travelling distance makes this the most appropriate alternative. The tenderer is obliged to meet in the county council when matters connected to tenderer's assignment are discussed. This shall be included as a part of the assignment.

See annex 1 for requirements connected to the delivery.

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