Eidsvåg school has, until the start of the academic year 2016, been a combined primary and secondary school with approx. 470 pupils and approx. 50 employees. The condition of the school is so bad that it is in danger of being closed due to bade indoor climate. The immediate measure that is being carried out is to transfer the secondary school pupils to Åstveit school from the start of academic year autumn 2016. In addition replacement premises shall be established as soon as possible on the part of the site where the SFO-building (before-and-after-school care) (Building 6) currently stands, so that the primary school pupils can be transferred there until the new/renovated school is ready.
The area where Eidsvåg school is situated, between Eidsvågfjellet in the south and Eidsvågen in the north, is developed with detached houses.
The school is mentioned in a Cultural Historical report on school buildings from 1724-1979 — Municipal schools in Bergen: https://www.bergen.kommune.no/bk/multimedia/archive/00185/Kulturhistorisk_rap_185332a.pdf
This report emphasises that this is a complete site with good architectonic qualities and characteristics that are typical of its age. In particular the architectonics and historical architecture qualities in the main building from 1952 are emphasised. ‘Tyskerbakken’ is mentioned as possibly having certain historical value as a war memorial. The Cultural Heritage Management Office will be an important cooperation partner.
A feasibility study has been carried out with Fortunen AS as the consultant. The following 3 alternatives were reviewed:
Alternative 1: Renovation and alteration of buildings 2, 3 and 4, whilst buildings 5, 6 and 7 are demolished and replaced with a volleyball hall and a small extension with teaching areas;
Alternative 2: Only building 2 is kept (renovated and altered), whilst the other buildings are demolished and replaced with a new buildings;
Alternative 3: All the school buildings are demolished and replaced with a new school.
The feasibility study was based on Eidsvåg school being a combined primary and secondary school with 500 pupils and that a new volleyball hall should be established next to the school. ‘Tyskerbrakken’ is kept in all 3 alternatives, but it is not included in the school's area.
In the new School Use Plan for 2016-2030 which was approved by the Town Council 16.6.2016, the plans for Eidsvåg school have been changed. This plan now states that Eidsvåg school shall be a pure primary school with 300 pupils, but with possibilities for some expansion in the long term. Based on this, the school will be dimensioned for 350 pupils.
The Town Council meeting on 28.1.2016 decided, based on the feasibility study, that the further work shall be based on keeping the main building from 1952 (renovated and altered), whilst the remaining buildings shall be demolished and replaced with new buildings, with the exception of ‘Tyskerbrakken’, which must most likely be kept. This must be further clarified with the Cultural Heritage Management Office.
The measure requires a development plan. The Agency for Development has engaged ABO Plan and Arkitektur AS for the development plan work. The start of the development plan has been registered. The plan map is included in annex II.9. The development plan work is expected to take 1½ -2 years. In order to save time, Bergen municipality will run parallel processes, where the planning process and the engineering design services are ongoing simultaneously. It is, therefore, a prerequisite that the engineering design group and the planning consultant cooperate throughout the entire process.
The access road Granlien is included in the development plan. The pavement along Granlia will probably have to be expanded, but this will be clarified in the development plan process. Engineering design services for the measure?
The replacement school, which shall be established in the part of the site where the current before-and-after-school care building is, is included in the development plan, but it is not a part of the assignment for this procurement. Neither is the demolition of the existing Building 6.
This assignment primarily applies for the preparation of a sketch/preliminary project for the alteration/renovation of the old main building, as well as the demolition of the other buildings and the necessary new buildings to cover the need for a B350 school and a new sports hall. Allowances must also be made for either the demolition or upgrading/renovation of ‘Tyskerbrakken’.
Tender documentation shall be prepared for a turnkey contract at a preliminary contract level.
MOM documentation shall be prepared parallel to the preliminary project in accordance with the example in annex II.13.
All or parts of the engineering design group can be transported to the turnkey contractor. An option price shall be given for this phase.
PGL and IARK will not be transported. After phase 1, IARK will have further assignments based on an hourly rate for the number of hours spent/travel costs stated for additional work in the reply document table 3.1.5. In addition PGL and others from PG, who are not transported to the turnkey contractor can be engaged on an hourly basis at the prices stated in the mentioned table.
The builder will staff the project with an assistant project manager (APL)/builder ombudsman (BHO), ITB-coordinator and third independent inspections. These roles cannot be filled by persons in companies that are a part of the engineering design group (PG).