15-035 Facade signs.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2016-02-11 10:23 (GMT+02:00)
2016-03-21 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

AS Vinmonopolet [The Norwegian Wine and Spirits Monopoly] AS Vinmonopolet [The Norwegian Wine and Spirits Monopoly]
Kari Kristin Wiklund
Akersgaten 51
0130 Oslo

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

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Tenderers shall submit a tender for the production and assembly of facade signs inside and outside. Tenderers shall also be able to disassembly old signs, carry out site inspections and make new signs, see the requirement specifications and the price format. In addition tenderers shall price foliation, see the requirement specifications and the price form.


Estimated number:

01. ‘Vinmonopolet’ signs, assembled internally (for example in shopping centres), 12 signs per annum;

02. Facade signs ‘Vinmonopolet’, 12 signs per annum;

03. Hanging/facade signs with logo, 12 per annum;

04. In addition old signs will be replaced and maintenance where required.

The estimate for the number of signs is no guarantee for future needs/deliveries.

The estimated number for foliation is 12 new shops and 12 shop moves. The old foliation is to be removed when a shop moves.

In addition tenderers must be able to offer sun screening tape as needed.

The Contracting Authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service. To express your interest and gain access to any documents, please click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser. (http://permalink.mercell.com/56385554.aspx). Then follow the instructions on the website.

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