Contract for delivery and implementation of an IT-system for plagiarism control, including operations and related services.


Open procedure
9/22/2015 10:24 AM (GMT+02:00)
10/27/2015 2:00 PM


Aarhus Universitet Aarhus Universitet
Indkøbskontoret Indkøbskontoret
Fuglesangs Allé 26
8210 Aarhus V

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Aarhus University wishes to sign a contract for delivery and implementation of an IT-system for plagiarism control.

The contract includes delivery and implementation of the IT-system for plagiarism control as well as IT operation services, including maintenance and support, of the IT-system.

The system shall be delivered as a service subject to the descriptions in the tender documents.

The ever-growing volume of electronic and readily available sources in databases and on the Internet makes it easier for students to plagiarise from other people's texts. For this reason, Aarhus University has in recent years increasingly focused on preventing cheating and plagiarism by using IT tools that screen exam papers against a broad range of digital sources and find overlaps between exam papers and sources on the Internet, publisher databases etc. by means of advanced algorithms.

Aarhus University wishes to offer study programmes at the highest academic level and to educate talented students whose diploma will serve as a guarantee to the labour market of well-educated and competent students.

The university must be able to vouch for the legitimacy of the diploma, as this is the university's guarantee that the student possesses the competences and qualifications stated in the diploma.

t is therefore crucial to Aarhus University that the diplomas it issues can be trusted.

To maintain a high level of education and the university's good reputation, Aarhus University wishes to screen all students' assignments to detect any plagiarism, and hereby tenders a contract for a plagiarism control system which is intended as a tool to detect cheating in written assignments.

The IT system for plagiarism control is to be widely used on all of Aarhus University's study programmes and must thus be able to accommodate academic differences and be integrated with several IT systems used at the university. The IT system for plagiarism control must also be able to be integrated with a number of databases, the content of which is expected to be used for the system's performance of the plagiarism check.

Aarhus University requires a stable system that will find overlaps with a wide range of sources using advanced algorithms.

A further description of scope and requirements follows in the tender documents.

This Tender comprises a contract, which contains elements of both a public contract as a framework agreement, as the contract comprises both Supplier's duty to supply the above specified services on the establishment and operation of the system for the handling of plagiarism control for Aarhus University, and it will contain an element of a framework agreement in connection with the university's opportunities for during the contract period to order any related consultancy services, alterations and further development of the system.

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