Market survey — main bank contract.


Not applicable
5/4/2015 12:49 PM (GMT+02:00)


Trondheim kommune Trondheim kommune
Trondheim kommune Trondheim kommune
Postboks 2300 Sluppen
7004 Trondheim
942 110 464

Short description

Trondheim municipality plans to hold a tender contest for a main bank contract during 2015, as the new contract shall come into force 1.5.2016. As a part of our market surveys, we hereby invite interested banks to a preliminary meeting 22.5.2015. 60 minutes will be put aside for each bank.

Registration is to be sent to by 11.5.2015 at 12:00.

The registration requirement for the preliminary meeting is the following

In accordance with the municipality's finance rules point 3.1, an international credit rating of A or equivalent is required for the choice of the main bank. Furthermore, service providers are required to have the size and financial ability to fulfil the contract.

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