A bathing facility has not been built in Tromsø in 30 years, but several facilities are disused.
The municipal council has decided that a new swimming and bathing facility will be built at Templarheimen. The site lies in the middle of Tromsøya with the Tromsø Hall as nearest neighbour. The facility shall cover the needs of schools, sport, disabled and other public. The project's social policy goal is to establish a futuristic swimming facility for the town's population with repercussions for the entire region. The establishment shall assist with improving general health and promote Tromsø as a sports-town, and an attractive place to live, and be a meeting place for the town's population and visitors.
The Tromsø pool shall be designed by the Contracting Authority's consultants, but the detailed design shall partially be carried out in conjunction with selected suppliers. The responsible designer will be the Contracting Authority's chosen consultants. The construction shall be implemented as a Managed by contractor parallel contract, or general contract.
The Contracting Authority has chosen to divide the project into the following contracts:
— 20BYG Construction work (including ground works,rigging and operation)
— 30RØR Plumbing work
— 36LBE Air treatment work
— 40ELA Electro technical work
— 69BAT Pool technical work.