Expansion of the slag separating facility at Osterøy.


Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
3/5/2015 4:24 AM (GMT+01:00)


Atle Hitland
Conrad Mohrsvei 15
5892 Bergen

Assignment text

The procurement involves the third expansion and this includes the completion of the slag separating facility from Recco and Steco Miljø AS. The facility receives ashes and slag from the energy plant belonging to BIR.

The third expansion includes the following functionality:

The slag/ash will be sieved to 30 mm Then lumps are crushed and some plastic will be removed in the outlet of the crusher. The material will then be transported to an air separator that removes the plastic and unburnt material. The crushed slag, Ø 0-30 mm, will then be transported in and back to the facility. The material that comes from a sensor separator contains metal which is bound in the slag and this is returned to the existing plant. The process results in more metal being released and can be recycled.

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