Justitsministeriet, Direktoratet for Kriminalforsorgen, Strandgade 100, For the attention of: Peter Larsen, København K, 1401, DENMARK. Telephone: +45 72554351. E-mail: faellesindkoeb@kriminalforsorgen.dk
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 28.8.2013, 2013/S 166-288328)
2013/S 194-333762
CPV:37440000, 37441300, 51121000, 37442500, 37442000, 37442300, 37442310, 37442320
Fitness equipments
Stationary bicycles
Installation services of fitness equipment
Fitness weights
Weight and resistance training equipment
Lower and upper body resistance machines
Lower body resistance machines
Upper body resistance machines
Incomplete procedureThe awarding procedure has been discontinuedThe contract may be the object of a re-publication
Other additional information
Der er kun modtaget 1 konditionsmæssig anmodning, hvorfor udbudsforretningen annulleres.