Consulting Services for components one and two of the Economic Growth and Employment Creation Programme in Mali (Programme d'Appui à la Croissance Économique et Promotion de l'Emploi stimulées par le Secteur Privé du Mali - PACEPEP)


Restricted procedure
6/28/2013 4:18 AM (GMT+02:00)
7/25/2013 3:30 PM


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida
Camilla Christensen Camilla Christensen
2, Asiatisk Plads
1448 Copenhagen

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Denmark has supported economic growth and employment in Mali since 2006. A new phase (PACEPEP 2013-2017) has been prepared building on the lessons from the previous programmes. PACEPEP is planned to have three components which will be implemented within the framework of a number of selected value chains. PACEPEP will be active in Mopti, Segou, Sikasso and Bamako.

Component one will strengthen the competitiveness of Malian private sector actors within an enabling environment through the provision of business development services, training and facilitation of linkages to the financial sector. Furthermore, public-private dialogue will be facilitated with the view to create a more conducive business environment. Component two will, in close cooperation with private and public sector stakeholders, identify and construct a wide range of infrastructure projects with the aim to promote productive activities and market access. Component three will support skills development required for private sector driven growth. The total budget of the entire programme will be DKK 300 million.

The technical assistance will be provided to:

- Component 1 : A private sector apex association Conseil National du Patronat du Mali (CNPM)

- Component 2 : The national Directorate for Rural Engineering (Direction Générale du Génie Rurale, DNGR) and a national implementation agency "Agence d'Exécution des Travaux d'Infrastructures et d'Equipements Ruraux" (AGETIER.)

The Danish Embassy in Mali wishes to identify an entity to strengthen the capacity of key implementing partners and assist with the implementation of components one and two. The Embassy invites interested entities to express interest for this assignment. The applicants should have substantial experience in supporting private organisations in relation to the agricultural sector and in the management of matching grants for private sector in Francophone Sub Saharan Africa. Knowledge of agricultural production, processing, marketing and sale would be an advantage. Furthermore, the applicants should have proven experience in identification, planning and implementing rural infrastructure investments including aspects as labour intensive approaches (approche HIMO), social mediation and setting up sustainable maintenance schemes. Knowledge of Danida Aid Management Guidelines is considered an advantage.

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