SELLIHCA - Supply of Arc-Suppression Reactors


3/14/2013 3:41 PM (GMT+01:00)


Statnett SF Statnett SF
Husebybakken 28B,
0379 Oslo

Short description

Statnett SF is the high voltage Transmission System Operator (TSO) in Norway. Statnett is responsible for developing and operating the main high voltage network: this comprises subsea cables, transformer stations and 132 – 420 kV transmission lines.

In total, Statnett will invest NOK 50-70 billion in the main grid in the next decade. Suppliers have a key role in realizing these investments.

Statnett plans to purchase ten Arc Suppression Reactors. Three units are to be delivered in 2013 and seven units in 2014. A frame agreement is wanted, as further units may be required later.

In this connection, Statnett wish to potential suppliers for Arc-Suppression Reactors.

The Arc-Suppression Reactor (ASR) shall be of type iron cored, oil insulated coil with continuously variable air gap adjustment - in on-load condition. Technical requirements shall be in accordance with:

• IEC 60076Power Transformers

• IEC 60076-6Power transformers Part 2: Reactors

Suppliers which are interested in supplying this equipment to Statnett are requested to register in the Sellihca database no later than March 21st 2013.

Upon registration, suppliers are to submit a list of reference deliveries for the last five years. This reference list should provide information with respect to the following parameters:

Highest voltage for equipment Um kV 145

Max continous voltage Umax kV 145 v3

Rated voltage Ur kV 138 / v3

Adjustment range A 10 – 100, 15-150, 20-200, 25-250, 30-300

Rated current duration Tr Continuous

Linearity 1,1

Rated frequency Hz 50

Insulation level kV LI 650 AC 275 – LI (170) AC 70

Please, also include information whether or not your organization is a manufacturer.

The planned steps going forward are:

1. Register in the Sellihca Qualification System no later than March 21st 2013 in

Category 1.13.99 "Andre transformatorer og tilhørende utstyr", or 1.17.99 "Annet høyspenningsutstyr og materiell"

The deadline for registration in Sellihca is March 21st 2013, CET 12.00 p.m.

In case you need any assistance regarding the registration, please contact any of the following persons in Sellihca: Terje J. Aasen, Tel. +47 95 00 60 85 or Turid Lindset, Tel. +47 3706 3522

2. The reference list with the above specified details must be submitted to Ann-Christin Austang no later than March 21st 2013, CET 12.00 p.m.

3. The enquiry documents for Arc-Suppression Reactors are planned issued in the end of March 2013.

Suppliers registered in the above category as of date, and interested in receiving this enquiry are also asked to submit the reference list with the above specified details no later than March 21st 2013, CET 12.00 p.m.

Statnett's procurement processes are being conducted under the Law on Public Sector Procurement no. 69 of July 16th, 1999 and the Supply Rules of April 7th, 2006.

Prequalification rules are published in the Official Journal of the European Community. The Sellihca Qualification System is the Scandinavian prequalification database, for energy suppliers.

NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Doffin Web Site at

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